Flying Weather Links

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Santa Barbara
KSBA 5 Minute
Santa Paula
Van Nuys
WJ Fox
Point Magu
Santa Ynez
Santa Maria
San Luis Obispo
Paso Robles
Palm Springs

Santa Barbara (Graph)
Pivotal Weather Wind
Pivotal Weather Rain
Climacell Weather
Marine Forecast
Forecast Discussion
Winds Aloft
SB Lapse Rate
El Mirage (Graph)
Salton Sea (Graph)
Soda Lake (Graph)

VBG Balloon
Elings Park South
Hendry's Beach
Bel Air Dr
Bel Air Knolls
Flora Vista Rd
Hidden Westside
Cliff Drive
Medcliff Road
Mesa MESO Rose
Mesa Lane
More Mesa
La Cumbre MESO
La Cumbre OYN
Painted Cave Crest
E Camino Cielo
Kinevan Road
Botanic Garden
Montecito 285 ft
Gibraltar Road
Jamison Lake
Toro Canyon
Trieste Lane, Carp
WillyWeather Harbor
Harbor Bouy
West Bouy
East Bouy
Point Arguello
El Mirage WU
Sheep Creek Rd
Salton Sea
NWS Wind Map

   Maps & Radars:
Windy Wind Map
USA Wind Map
Jet Stream
AccuWeather Doppler
WeatherBug Doppler
KSBY Doppler
Real-Time Rainfall
Ventura & SB Rainfall
Pivotal WX Rainfall

SBCC Webcam
AlertCA Mesa
AlertCA TV Hill1
Shoreline Cafe SurfCam
Carpinteria BeachCam
101 at Bates (map)
Malibu SurfCam
Topanga SurfCam
Cachuma Lake Cam
Mt. Wilson Webcam

Weather To Fly

Flying an Ultralight requires almost constant attention to the weather. Our operating limitations dictate a careful assessment of the current local weather conditions and what's on the horizon.
    Here, we have assembled some of the most useful links to Forecasts and Observations as well as other interesting weather related items we like to visit.
    The Java-based Skew-T or ETA Soundings are awesome tools to see winds, temps, dewpoint and more for the eSatellite loopxact area you are looking to fly. Use the nearest airport code, or insert the lat/long coordinates of your favorite launch!
     Winds Aloft are one of the most valuable information sources for the velocity of the air at the different altitudes, as well as the temperature difference as you ascend (better known as Lapse Rate).
     Surface Wind Vectors shows a visual map view of the winds for the area, and includes a link to a 12 hour java loop of the wind, and charts for the previous 72 hours  as well.
     The various Satellite Loops will show you the approaching storms and their track towards the area. These take awhile to load because they are animated, but they are valuable links.
     Jet StreamThe Doppler Radar Loop is another great animation, but you'll only use it if there's an impending storm (such as the one shown in the link picture!).
     The Jet Stream analysis will  give you a good idea of the general upper level flow across the area, and this will definitely affect the lower level winds if it is strong!
     When given UTC (Zulu) time, just subtract 8 and you have the time of the reading. In October to March (daylight savings), subtract 7 for the correct hour.
     Feel free to explore the many other links to weather, webcams and other fun stuff that we've gathered here. Please let us know if there's a good link we can add! 

Temperature Converter

(enter either to get the other) 


Other Flying Sites:

El Mirage Flying Weather
California Valley Flying Weather
Santa Barbara Condensed

(for your mobile phone)