A Lake visible from Space!With an estimated surface area of 343 square miles (890 km2) or 350 square miles (910 km2), the Salton Sea is the largest lake in California! The Salton Sea averages 15 miles (24 km) by 35 miles (56 km) in size. See Wikipedia for more interesting facts about this unique area. The Salton Sea is a unique environment to fly our microlight aircraft at. The air is often calm ALL DAY LONG! The lake calms the air, because it does not heat it - hence, excellent flying conditions. BEWARE - the thermals are only a short distance away from the edge of the lake during the mid day. What's up? Mostly, we just camp, talk, drink, party, sleep and FLY! Come enjoy the camaraderie and community that happens every time two or more PPG pilots decide to gather and go flying together. See some of the photos and videos from previous events HERE. There is also now a Facebook Page for this event HERE (click on Events). Please fly respectfully here, we are guests and need follow some simple guidelines. Please look HERE for more. THE SALTON SEA "GATHERING"We are planning an informal "gathering" of pilots at the same location as previous year's events. There is an RV park and lots of parking, but you will have to make your own arrangements. There is no organizer for this event, just a bunch of guys getting together to fly! If you have not attended a Salton Sea fly in here is what you can typically expect at Salton Sea: • Smooth lake air, desert sun and all day flying at almost 200 ft below sea level!! The locations (such as the one in the photo to the left) used in previous years are not available for any launching or landing. Please do not attempt to fly from these areas as you may be charged with trespassing. The location where we are planning to "gather" is shown on this MAP. The campground where we will be staying is called the West Shores RV Park. Please fly respectfully here, we are guests and need follow some simple guidelines. Please look HERE for more.
Here is the average weather for the Salton Sea: Detailed Forecast |
"Look Up" video by Brian Fitzgerald.
Electric Paramotor on the TrikeBuggy Bullet Tandem Trike with the Ozone Triox wing.
Top 80 Miniplane & TrikeBuggy Mini-Bullet.
Paratoys 2009 Salton Sea Fly-In.
Salton Sea Gathering of Paramotor Pilots, 2016.