Assembly InstructionsCongratulations and Thank You for your purchase of the TrikeBuggy Bullet Version 3.2! This is also the only PPG Trike on the market you can transform back into a kitebuggy in just a matter of minutes - giving you the ability to do either activity. When the wind comes up, you'll be ready!
Assembly Links:
Be sure to use the copper bolt lubricant supplied, or the bolts will seize! The included sand shield is helpful if launching from sandy beaches. Keep the tire pressure low if you are going to be launching from soft sand, or simply want a softer ride. Stainless Steel Buggy Instructions
Check your Parts List to make sure you have received all the necessary parts for the assembly. All of the pictures on this page can be clicked to enlarge so you can see more clearly the detail.
Slide the A-Assist assemblies onto each of the curved tubes. Attach the curved upper supports to the front bracket with supplied hardware. Make sure the small straight bracket is behind the tubes as shown. Do not overtighten these bolts - they should be snug, but not deforming the chrome tubes. The nylock nuts will keep these bolts from loosening.
Assemble the Rear Uprights and Upper Horizontal Bar to the horizontal bar just behind the seat as shown in the photo to the right (click to enlarge). The uprights should be parallel to each other (photo has fisheye lens, and the uprights do not look parallel). Width will be adjusted to the type of motor you have in a later step. Please note that this photo is of the Mini-Bullet and looks a bit different than the full Bullet V3.2 which has a deeper Axle.
Attach the Upper Horizontal Bar to the Rear Uprights and the end of the curved chrome bars at least 1/2 inch from the end to ensure a good grip.
Attach the Riser Guide Straps (11" Hang Strap) to the Riser Guides as shown in the photo. This redundant strap should go around both the Curved Upper Bar and the Riser Guide Ring. Make sure that the paraglider risers are routed through both the ring and the strap when attaching the glider to the TrikeBuggy.
Attach the Carabiner to the end of the Hang Strap. A Lark's Head Knot can also be used if needed here to lower the position of the Carabiner.
Tighten the Rear Uprights and the Comfort Bar Adapters. You may also drill the Adapters and use a bolt or pin to hold the motor on the trike. Usually, all that is needed to keep the motor against the Rear Uprights is the supplied Velcro Straps.
Now, it's time to do the Hang Check. This is an extremely important procedure that you will need to do whenever you make any significant changes to your TrikeBuggy, such as using a different paramotor, putting a toolbox or extra fuel behind your seat, adding a reserve parachute, etc. Follow the instructions here for doing your Hang Check.
To attach the paraglider to the TrikeBuggy Bullet, bring the risers through the Riser Guides and attach them to the Carabiners already attached to the Hang Straps on the hips of the Buggy. Attach the A-Assist cords to the inner "A" risers and check for adjustment - no effect on the glider when risers are overhead in the flying position!
PPG Triking requires specific skills which are different than foot launched flight. If you have not flown a PPG Trike before, an experienced PPG Trike instructor will save you time and money by helping you understand the necessary fundamentals of inflation, taxiing and launching. Landing will be one of the most pleasurable experiences you will ever enjoy, as long as you have good throttle and surge control.
If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me anytime (Chad Bastian at 805-403-1859) on my cell phone, or email me at If I'm not flying at the moment, I will gladly assist you. TrikeBuggy Bullet v3.2 Parts List
Enjoy your new TrikeBuggy Bullet!
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